The Attention Deficit Generation

first, there was radio. it was good.
then came the TV. and f*ed up radio's scene. its still around. the mindless media machine. while radio only occupied human ears, TV occupies almost all our important senses. screw the smell and taste and touch. would you really smell/taste/touch when your eyes and ears were completely occupied with a barrage of audiovisual violence, sex and other interesting content, aiming at documenting reality? if reality was so sexy, i'd be really happy to walk around peddling narcotics, with a gun in my pocket to take out anyone bothering me.
then came the net. brilliant technology. it lets me tell you all this, right? for some time, it was good. then, media [read: advertising] came and f*ed it up for the net. with a media so instantly gratifying as the net, the advertisers had to come up with new strategies to capture the attentions of poor, info-overloaded minds. their products are the pop-ups, the banners, the spam, the interactive flash ads, and all other kinds of crap.
finally, advertisers have succeeded in numbing the minds of generations of educated folk. if they keep looking for ways to intrude our consciousness, there will come a day when they'll be left selling their products to themselves.
and what happened to all the real creativity? the only creative people left are, i truly believe, tiny little kindergarten children. for many of them have yet to be destroyed by advertising. bring on the play-doh.
well thought out. and i completely agree with that last paragraph. simply superb.
why have you tied it up though? and why advertise for firefox?
lights out, guerilla radio!
firefox happens to be the only browser this blogs works on without bugs 100%. :P untested/unguaranteed on explorer.
you know that firefox is open-source right? hail the power of community brains.
after play-doh, its Harry Potter. nooooooo! and what about the advertising on 'RELIGIOUS' channels? :P
very good point there jam. whoever came up with the idea of using religion as a vehicle for advertising must be nuts. not that it doesn't work. there're taker for any kind of propaganda. the shiv sena is such an example.
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