the best things in life come cheap. or better, free.
im posting this on a free blog. google has given us the opportunity to freely publish any thoughts. it may be politically incorrect / blasphemous. freedom itself is free. especially after the advent of the WWW.
wants to be free, said
Bruce Sterling in the book
the Hacker Crackdown [this was the best seller he distrubuted freely, online]. sterling is considered to be one of the planet's foremost technology wirters. he now writes regularly for
Wired if he isn't giving a keynote speech at some geekfest. this
free informations exists. information always
exists. its just naive to think
nobody knows. anything can be found on google. provided you know where to look.
one might think google's the noblest- what with the sole puropse of "organising the world's knowledge". why are they doing it? question upon question upon question can make google the scariest corporation ever.
they've invested in brainpower. not in technology. what started as a college project is now making the likes of Microsoft and Skype and Yahoo shit in their tight, formal pants. they've
invented new technology to get around problems. theres 'GFS' a distributed filesystem. there s google maps. theres google sms. theres gmail. theres google pages. theres 'AdSense'. see the little
ads by gooooooooogle thingy on the bottom right, below the links? this thing reads whatever is posted here and puts relevant text ads in the box. so if i put a paragraph about a particular model of a laser printer, that box would probably sell one to you. scary.
the terms and conditions from google's services, if read carefully doesn't really tell us about what happens to deleted accounts. basically, if i use gmail all the time, i can be pretty sure that google knows me
inside-out. even after i delete my mail account. what gives me comfort is the fact that google is hardly dangerous. they gave me free email. and a free blog service. unlimited space, almost. almost no ads. so why should i care? google knows
millions of people inside out. respectable. cool.
the best things really are free. but freedom is, again, relative. free of money doesn't mean free of
cost, right? if a global catastophe arises, i'll know i should goto google for help. for they'll really
I wouldn't even say Asia, for that matter, in a decade or so, I'm pretty sure India would be busting the West's ass...countries like Japan are already there...but I'm wondering, is it about beating the West at their own game, where they decide the rules...or do we just make up a whole new game of our own???
why a whole decade??? why not now? india's aready busting ass trying to beat china to the moon by 2008. read this article by bruce sterling of wired. he talks about the asian space race. mars is apparently the next move. already, its been widely acknowledged that the indian nuke scientists are among the best on the planet.
as for rules made by the west, hehheh, nobody wants them to be a global watchdog.
2/3 comments are yours.
If you are talking about india, I really don't think it's remotely possible.
"We have quality and quantity on our side"
We don't have discipline to make it work. Just not possible. I have to go bac to the age old "govt", but then, our government is but a reflection of us. Very confused but sure views i have on this topic.
nikhil: are you reading comments or counting them?
read about the BPO industry in india to get some perspective. as for discipline, that's relative, dont you think? politics are but politics. but the youth don't need politics to be entrepreneuring no?
let's hope.
but on the comments side, jackasses, all of you. especially aj and nikil. bickering little fuckers.
Very true...
Asia is one of the biggest threat to all developing countries..
But, let bring your notice to what might happen within Asia..
My personal experience - China can provide a solution at 50% or my be at one third of the price of Indian Solution.
Only thing makes us better than them (atleast for now) is our graduates and low MTI.
Now, after say 2-5 years.. moere than half of business coming to India would shift to China.
Just a food for thought.
As Kotler said - Future is not novel, it has happened somewhere in some degree.
What is happening to developed countries now; might happen to India after 5 years.
yo raj,
you forget we indians have a huge advantage from the chinks- we speak english :)
very well too.
You are all deluded.
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