Asia's Rise: the West's demise?

asia is turning out to be a big pain in the ass to the, ahem, west. why are the coolest countries in the world, with so much "power", beginning to fear the third world and developing asian nations?
unfortunately, the answer is more of a retrospective. history's habit of repeating itself is what seems to be Asia's power. we might be wintessing the second 'funky 60s' very soon indeed. with a booming majority of the expanding population between 18 and 25, the asians can more than overcome any hurdles through mere quantity of workforce. best part is, they also have quality on their side.
the west has always undermined the asian intellect. now's payback time.
armed with open minds and determination, the asian youth's drive, intelligence and innovative capabilities are a force to be reckoned with. with the next dot com boom around the corner with web2.0, and an outsourcing industry already depriving the west of jobs, south asia's only doing too well. will it last?
I wouldn't even say Asia, for that matter, in a decade or so, I'm pretty sure India would be busting the West's ass...countries like Japan are already there...but I'm wondering, is it about beating the West at their own game, where they decide the rules...or do we just make up a whole new game of our own???
why a whole decade??? why not now? india's aready busting ass trying to beat china to the moon by 2008. read this article by bruce sterling of wired. he talks about the asian space race. mars is apparently the next move. already, its been widely acknowledged that the indian nuke scientists are among the best on the planet.
as for rules made by the west, hehheh, nobody wants them to be a global watchdog.
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If you are talking about india, I really don't think it's remotely possible.
"We have quality and quantity on our side"
We don't have discipline to make it work. Just not possible. I have to go bac to the age old "govt", but then, our government is but a reflection of us. Very confused but sure views i have on this topic.
nikhil: are you reading comments or counting them?
read about the BPO industry in india to get some perspective. as for discipline, that's relative, dont you think? politics are but politics. but the youth don't need politics to be entrepreneuring no?
let's hope.
but on the comments side, jackasses, all of you. especially aj and nikil. bickering little fuckers.
Very true...
Asia is one of the biggest threat to all developing countries..
But, let bring your notice to what might happen within Asia..
My personal experience - China can provide a solution at 50% or my be at one third of the price of Indian Solution.
Only thing makes us better than them (atleast for now) is our graduates and low MTI.
Now, after say 2-5 years.. moere than half of business coming to India would shift to China.
Just a food for thought.
As Kotler said - Future is not novel, it has happened somewhere in some degree.
What is happening to developed countries now; might happen to India after 5 years.
yo raj,
you forget we indians have a huge advantage from the chinks- we speak english :)
very well too.
You are all deluded.
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